Privacy Policy

Lifepointe Baptist Church ABN 82 873 150 224 (“Lifepointe”) is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of all persons by handling all personal information in accordance with Australian privacy laws. Lifepointe is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (“APP”) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

This Privacy Policy sets out how Lifepointe manages personal information. Lifepointe may update or amend this policy from time to time to cover any changes in law, practice, or policy.

In this Privacy Policy, “we” and “us” refer to Lifepointe and “you” refers to any individual about whom we collect personal information.

This Privacy Policy is available free of charge from our website


The terms used in this privacy policy have the meaning given to them in the Australian Privacy Act.

Personal Information means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:

  1. whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
  2. whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or

Sensitive Information means:

  1. information or an opinion about an individual’s:
    • racial or ethnic origin; or
    • political opinions; or
    • membership of a political association; or
    • religious beliefs or affiliations; or
    • philosophical beliefs; or
    • membership of a professional or trade association; or
    • membership of a trade union; or
    • sexual orientation or practices; or
    • criminal record;

that is also personal information; or

  1. health information about an individual; or
  2. genetic information about an individual that is not otherwise health information; or
  3. biometric information that is to be used for the purpose of automated biometric verification or biometric identification; or
  4. biometric

Health Information means:

  1. information or an opinion about:
    1. the health, including an illness, disability or injury, (at any time) of an individual; or
    2. an individual’s expressed wishes about the future provision of health services to the individual; or
    3. a health service provided, or to be provided, to an individual; that is also personal information;
  2. other personal information collected to provide, or in providing, a health service to an individual;
  3. other personal information collected in connection with the donation, or intended donation, by an individual of his or her body party, organs or body substances;
  4. genetic information about an individual in a form that is, or could be predictive of the health of the individual or a genetic relative of the


This policy applies to:

  1. all employees of Lifepointe, whether those individuals are engaged on a full- time, part-time, contract, casual, temporary, or volunteer basis; and
  2. all members and non-members of the congregation, and visitors of
  3. all individuals who hire any part of our facilities and their employees and guests

What information might we collect and hold about you?

We may collect and hold personal information such as:

  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Age and/or date of births
  • Profession, occupation, job title or qualifications
  • Positions held at church
  • Financial and bank details
  • Personal identification information
  • Working with children blue card information
  • Any additional information you provide to us as part of your interaction with Lifepointe

We may also collect health information with your consent and where it is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities.

Whenever it is lawful and practicable, you will have the option of not identifying yourself (remaining anonymous) when interacting with us. Generally, it is not practicable for us to deal with individuals anonymously on an ongoing basis. If we do not collect personal information about you, you may be unable to utilise our services or participate in our events, programs or activities we manage or deliver. If you have any concerns about personal information we have requested, please let us know.

How do we collect information about you?

We may collect personal information through your various interactions with us. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • When you register with us in any capacity
  • when you make a purchase from us
  • when you make a donation
  • when you attend one of our events or facilities
  • when you visit our websites
  • when you enrol in any of our courses
  • when you make an enquiry, either online or when you phone our offices
  • if you fill out one of our surveys
  • when you register for one of our functions, activities or events
  • when you fill out any form with us (such as an incident report form, complaint, employment application or working with children blue card form)
  • during any correspondence (such as email, post, fax) and/or conversations with us

We may also collect personal information from third parties, including from third party companies such as law enforcement agencies and other government entities and specialist agencies that assist us in achieving our objectives. This collection of information from third parties would occur in circumstances, such as during recruitment when conducting a criminal record check or when verifying a Working with Children Check.

Lifepointe also collects certain sensitive information about people during counselling, reference checks or elsewhere when deemed necessary to comply with our Safe Church Policy. This consists of a “Confidential Interview”, and potentially a psychological assessment. Gathering and reviewing this information is an essential part of Lifepointe meeting its obligations to ensure we comply with our Safe Church Policy. This information is retained securely and not entered into an identified database. The stored data is only available to administrators of the Lifepointe database and is only accessed in circumstances where these administrators form the view that it is critical for them to be aware of the details.

Interacting with us via the internet

You may visit our websites without identifying yourself. If you identify yourself (for example, by providing your contact details in an enquiry), any personal information you provide us will be managed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Our websites use cookies. A “cookie” is a small file stored on your computer’s browser, which assists in managing customised settings of the website and delivering content. We collect certain information such as your device type, browser type, IP address, pages you have accessed on our websites and on third-party websites. You are not identifiable from such information.

You can use the settings in your browser to control how your browser deals with cookies. However, in doing so, you may be unable to access certain pages or content on our website.

Our websites may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of websites that are linked to our website.

What is the purpose of collecting, holding, using, and disclosing your personal information?

The purpose of collection, holding, use and disclosure of the personal information is to fulfil the ministry and administrative functions of Lifepointe. We collect personal information reasonably necessary to carry out our duties and obligations.

These reasons include:

  • to contact you;
  • to keep you informed in relation to services, activities, events, resources and conferences;
  • to comply with legal obligations;
  • to maintain our internal record keeping and perform administrative tasks;
  • to fulfill any services you may require from us or to answer your enquiry;
  • to sign you up to our newsletters and invite you to our events that may be of interest and relevance to your role; or
  • to help us work with

We do not sell your information under any circumstances.

How do we hold your information?

Lifepointe takes reasonable steps to secure any Personal Information which we hold and to keep this information accurate and up to date.

Information you provide electronically will be kept in our database and held on computer servers based in Australia and overseas. Electronic storage of information may mean that Personal Information is disclosed to overseas recipients, for instance, when storing Personal Information, with cloud service providers that are situated outside of Australia.

Where third party service providers are used to process and/or store your information, agreements are in place to secure your information according to applicable data protection and privacy laws, and restrict the use of your information to the purpose for which it is provided.

If you provide information in paper form, this information will be transferred to secure electronic systems or stored in secured physical filing systems as appropriate.

Staff and volunteers are trained and required to safeguard your information pursuant to this Policy and, using physical, electronic and procedural safeguards.

We will hold and store your information for as long as it is required and in accordance with the law. We take steps to destroy or de-identify information that we no longer require.

We have an obligation under the Privacy Act to notify you and the Federal Privacy Commissioner in the event of a Notifiable Data Breach.

To whom may we disclose your information?

We are committed to ensuring your personal information is kept secure. We will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your consent and unless authorised by this policy or where we are required to do so by law.

For example (and without limitation), we may disclose your personal information to the following groups:

  • our employees or third party service provides in order to answer your enquiry or fulfill any requests or perform our services;
  • insurance companies and insurance related entities e.g. claims providers, insurers etc;
  • auditors;
  • accrediting authorities;
  • suppliers and other third parties with whom we have a commercial relationship for the provision of education, events, functions and activities;
  • professional advisors such as accountants, solicitors and business advisors
  • anyone you authorise us to disclose information to; or
  • anyone to whom we are required to disclose the information to by

How do we handle Sensitive Information?

In limited circumstances, we may collect information which is considered sensitive information. For example, if you are injured at an event promoted or delivered by Lifepointe, we may collect health information about you in an emergency or otherwise with your consent.

We will only use or disclose sensitive information for the purpose for which we collected it, or for a directly related secondary purpose, unless you give your consent to another use or we are required or permitted by law to use or disclose the sensitive information.

Do we send your information overseas?

Lifepointe may disclose personal information to an overseas recipient, for example, to facilitate cross cultural mission etc. Lifepointe will not send personal information overseas without:

  • obtaining the consent of the individual (which may be implied);
  • otherwise complying with the Australian Privacy

Lifepointe may also store personal information on servers overseas.

How do you access your individual information?

Your individual information can be accessed or updated at any time by contacting the Privacy Officer by contacting:

PO Box 8082
Maroochydore DC, QLD 4558
P: (07) 5443 1582

If you consider any personal information, we hold about you is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading you are entitled to request correction of the information. After receiving a request from you, we will take reasonable steps to correct your information.

Complaints about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles

Any complaints in relation to this policy or in relation to a breach of the Australia Privacy Principles can be made to the Privacy Officer by writing to:

Director of Administrative Services
PO Box 8082
Maroochydore DC, QLD 4558
P: (07) 5443 1582|

LIFEPOINTE will investigate the complaint and will notify the individual of its decision and any action taken as soon as possible. We will keep you updated on the progress of your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, or you consider that Lifepointe may have breached the Australian Privacy Principles or the Privacy Act, a complaint may be made to the Federal Privacy Commissioner by contacting:

Federal Privacy Commissioner GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone: 1300 363 992 Website:

Changes to this policy

This policy discloses our currently privacy practices. From time to time, and in line with practice or legislative changes, this policy will be reviewed and updated appropriately. We recommend that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any